Ekas Bay
Located no far from Kuta Lombok, Ekas Bay is home to a couple waves that are quite user friendly in compared to a lot of other Indonesian’s wave. Outside Ekas is a long. Hollows wall that breaks left under a cliff-face (similar to Bukit Peninsula in Bali) and much of the south coast is lned by beautiful whote sand beaches easily approached by car or scooter, no public transportation as well. The southwest lies Sungkun Beach. This beautiful beach has an offshore reef keeping the monstrous waves back off the sand. A headland at the western end can be climbed to offer spectacular views over the entire beach. It’s well worth the effort getting up there. To the far East you’ll find Pink Beach, Jeeva Beloam and a lighthouse on the cape. Most of the tourist came for surfing since the wave is best for it. You can get in pay IDR 10.000 for entrance fee. It is also open daily. If you go around you will find some other destination like Pink Beach, Sungkun Beach, Cemara Beach, Kaliantan Beach with its buffalo, and a World War II- era Japanese cannon. Ekas Bay is worth to visit if you expect to see the natural beauty of South Lombok.